Home > Artworks > Fanny Jungjohann Ribbeck

Photo of Fanny Jungjohann Ribbeck Chile

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Fanny Jungjohann per family is an artist and it's in his blood, as his entire family branch of Germany. She works in his studio to create each work with their students and are unique. Ince 30 years ago inspired by his experiences, nature and creativity. Based in Santiago de Chile. is creating more and more projects, especially in decorative paintings on wood and paper mache with cartapesta. Recognized in magazines such as...

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Fanny Jungjohann per family is an artist and it's in his blood, as his entire family branch of Germany. She works in his studio to create each work with their students and are unique. Ince 30 years ago inspired by his experiences, nature and creativity. Based in Santiago de Chile. is creating more and more projects, especially in decorative paintings on wood and paper mache with cartapesta. Recognized in magazines such as Paula Practice, Materia Prima, Fanny Exhibitions Particulares.El love permeates every detail of their works are reflected in them. Contact them and not regret, to meet a person so especial.FELICITACIONES FANNY!

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